Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I can't believe it's almost Christmas!

I have been busy meeting a lot of new friends at the lodge. We even had a new beagle come for her first day today. Of course, she did amazingly well with the crowd. In fact, we had a very beagley group today - Bandit, Patches, Daisy, Clover and me. Plus we had a half beagle in with the big dogs - Stacks.

While counting the days until Santa comes with presents for me, I want to take a minute to remember the people who make my life so wonderful - my two kids who always sneak me bites of their dinner, my staff at the lodge who let me run the place, my friends who visit me every day, and their parents who are always happy to see me when I'm working as the official greeter in the lobby.

I can't imagine that there are dogs who don't have families at the holidays. Through our training programs and by fostering dogs who need homes, we are doing our part to keep the shelters empty. Plus, I keep trying to tell my daddy that we are ready to add another pup to the family. He keeps saying three is enough, but mommy and I may convince him one of these days.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a great summer!

The lodge has been so busy this summer, that it's been hard to find time to write. Any free time is taken up by my very important naptime on the office couch. We have been breaking attendence records all summer. Our busiest day has been 42 dogs (not counting me, staff dogs or foster dogs).
I'd like to thank all of my friends for spreading the word about the lodge. Your referrals have helped the lodge grow. Here's a great shot of my friends this week at the lodge.